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Ontopsycihological approach in training social workers to work with teenagers. Gabriella Palumbo, professor, University of Rome La Sapienza (Italy, 2006), St. Petersburg State University
Psychological factors of intuition (on the example of the attribution of personal qualities). Fattakhova Alina, Marketing (Master's thesis, Russia, 2006), St. Petersburg State University
In this study we investigated the psychological and socio-demographic factors influencing the manifestation of intuition. The paper put forward the following hypotheses: 1) the manifestations of intuition are individually variative and depend on the socio-demographic and psychological factors 2)internality-externality factor affects the manifestation of intuition. Externalities attributing responsibility for their lives to external circumstances, have more developed intuition 3) the level of intuition development is associated with the level of human empathy 4) the more objectively a person assesses himself (the more "accurate" he is in terms of ontopsychology), the more he uses intuition in everyday life, and 5) an intuitive person is more successful in his life, more satisfied with his life.
Features of bodily perception in melolistics and dance therapy. Laura Mayo (Italy, 2006), St. Petersburg State University
The influence of personal characteristics on the perception of television images. Andrea Andreini, director (Italy, 2006), St. Petersburg State University
It was decided to identify in our study what are the specific features of the viewer which correlate with his ability to recognize the nature of the image offered to him. For this purpose, we used three short films produced by the author over the years, which are characterized by very different image content from extremely stereotypical and negative, reminiscent of pathology and the denial of life, to the highly positive and affirming the value of life and the constant development.
The aim of this work was to identify the correspondence between the technique used for mounting the film (memetic or ontic) and emotional response or feelings of the viewers. Therefore the purpose of this study was to identify individual and group differences in the perception of the film; to identify with the help of correlation analysis, which features of the viewers are related with their ability to recognize the nature of the image offered to them.