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News of the "system" or news of the "nature" - the choice of a young man. Barbara Chinalya, journalist (Italy, 2008) St. Petersburg State University

The aim of the study was to examine the effects on young people (teenagers), which are caused by written and / or mediated by television news reporters . For the objectification of psychological effects that news can generate in young people, I found it necessary to analyze the personality of a journalist, who, I think, plays a very important role.

Thus, the object of the study was a journalist - his personal characteristics, activities and the effect on young people through the news created and processed by him. Analyzing the characteristics of perception of qualitatively different news, I also examined the emotional and physical "response" to them arising in adolescents, their ability to make judgments and decisions, the level of self-awareness after receiving the news.

From the unconscious of a director to the unconscious of a viewer. Michael Churbanov, producer (Russia, 2008) St. Petersburg State University

This study is interesting due to the possibility to combine the theory and practice of classical cinemaand film producer's approach to science with applied ontopsychology. The aim of the study was by combining achievements of classical approaches in psychology and cinema with the novelty of the discoveries, methods, tools of ontopsychology, to explore the film both as a projection (mirror, monitor, reflection, sign, image) of director’s psyche and as an inductor, affecting the psycho of the viewers.

Psychic determinism "superego" in decision making. Paolo Garcia, historian (Italy, 2008) St. Petersburg State University

The subject of our attention is the conditionality of social activists influenced by the "super-ego." In our study, we propose to analyze how a set of stereotypes existing in society ("super-ego") forces the researcher to turn to the average experience of the past, a memory trace, even when he is forced to operate within a larger social system, being incorporated into highly responsible tasks in a particular sector - in medicine, law, psychology, economics, art, etc.

Life style of a leader as a factor of company’s success. Elena Makusheva, entrepreneur (Russia, 2008)

The purpose of this paper is to explore the psychological causes of successful leaders, in particular, to identify what mentality and way of life of a man leads to personal satisfaction and social and economic success, and what, on the contrary, to the uncertainty and dissatisfaction with the results.

Hippotherapy, from therapy to authentication. Malia Michele (Italy, 2008) St. Petersburg State University

By this paper we wanted to prove that hippotherapy is not only the technique of rehabilitation of sick people, but it is also an instrument of authentication of healthy people. Hypothesis of the study was as follows: as a result of hippotherapy the participants can make positive progress on a number of characteristics. For adults - these are the characteristics of their emotional states. For teenagers - these are the characteristics of their behavior and personality. The nature and scale of change may be affected by gender.

Capability of autonomous behavior in children. Anna Afanasova (Russia, 2007) St. Petersburg State University

The purpose of this study is to provide a tool for identifying children's autonomy and the identification of the causes that contribute to maintaining codependent relationship or the appearance of autonomy at an early age. Hypothesis of the study is as follows: selected images of a child (double or single) show the psychological readiness of the child for autonomy or a stronger dependence on the mother.

The factors of choosing a living space. Di Julio Perdzhnordzhno, architect (Italy, 2007) St. Petersburg State University

The aim of our study was to examine the psychological factors that determine the organization of living space in connection with the design of houses, i.e. analysis of sensations and the choice of certain professionals, their ability to distinguish between harmony and disharmony of the buildings on photographs offered to them. The subject of the study was professionals’ ideas of an ideal space for their lives, as well as the reasons for which a person chooses a particular building where he wants to live.

The relationship between a man and a pet: psychological factors and a semantic field. Bodriti Sergio, veterinary medicine (Italy, 2007), St. Petersburg State University

The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate the existence of a semantic field - basic communication that exists between individuations and is an objective reality. The purpose of the empirical study is to analyze how different groups of people interacting with animals (owners and veterinarians) recognized the impact of a man (mostly unconscious) on health and behavior of a pet, as well as to determine the degree of influence of owners on the health and behavior of their pets.

Authenticity and unconscious: comparison of existential analysis and ontopsycihological school approaches. Enrico Buonanno, journalist (Italy, 2007) St. Petersburg State University

This study focused primarily on the authenticity, which is examined in the light of the role, which the unconscious is endowed with in the concept and research of authenticity. A careful analysis of the different concepts of authenticity in philosophy and psychology, as well as the problems associated with this concept has led us to the conclusion that the greatest discrepancy is observed with respect to the prospects of the unconscious, that is fundamental, especially for psychology. The unconscious is a kind of "indicator" that we want to use to refer to poorly-defined contours of authenticity, which is still a largely unexplored topic.

Using ontopsychology in training of lawyers. Dato di Rosa (Italy, 2006), St. Petersburg State University

The aim of this work was to verify whether it is possible by means of training courses to teach young lawyers the greater relative perception of their profession and social reality, and reveal to them a new approach to law, understood as the essence of the order.

The subject of the study was the change in the psychology and outlook of young lawyers in the result of the training course, as well as psychological and philosophical differences between young lawyers and experienced ones. The course, based on ontopsychological theory, had to convince young lawyers that the concept of law is closely linked to the understanding of themselves: self-knowledge can build a new world, which helps to apply the law correctly.