Slavic Association of Ontopsychology (SAO) was established in March 1996 in Moscow with the aim of developing and promoting research in the field of ontopsychology, promoting knowledge and information, making contacts with organizations and institutions conducting research in psychology, sociology, philosophy, economics, physics, and medicine.
As a member of the International Association of Ontopsychology (social-scientific governmental organization with special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations), SAO adheres to the general principles of the International Association of Ontopsychology, the UN and UNESCO, aimed at the progressive development and human evolution, the formation of humanistic culture and dignity.
The relevance of psychological counseling for women entrepreneurs
Rozhdestvenskaya N.N.
Published: Contemporary social psychology: theoretical approaches and applied research. № 3 (12), July - September 2011
This paper deals with counseling and psychological characteristics of women entrepreneurs, gender specific counseling is highlighted. Keywords:leadership and guidance, gender psychology, counseling, female leaders` role behavior.