Ontopsychology of Antonio Meneghetti: courage to be yourself
Grishina N.V.

Published: Collection of articles based on the works of graduates of the Faculty of Psychology: direction "Ontopsychology." No. 1 / Sci. Editors: Grishina N.V., Dmitrieva V.A. - St.P., 2006. ss. 5-27 - ISSN 2224-8242
Professor Antonio Meneghetti began the lectures on the philosophy in the summer session of 2005 with the following words: "Not a single university in the world teaches philosophy. In all philosophy departments they teach the history of thought, or history of opinion. " In this statement, as well as in the constant appeal of Prof. Meneghetti to philosophical issues there is a clear recognition that psychology, including modern psychology has deep philosophical grounds. Moreover, it is modern psychology that faces a clear need to address the philosophical questions of human existence. In any case, it is obviously related to ontopsychology - the science of existential nature which meets the deepest human needs - "nostalgia for the metaphysical."