Integration of psychological knowledge
A.A. Krylov
Published: "Psychology: textbook (2 nd Edition)": Prospect Publishing, 2005; ISBN 00 235 5482 7

Expanding the main provisions of ontopsychology A. Meneghetti noted that the term "Ontopsychology" has long been known. In the concept of B.G. Ananiev it is, for example, defined as a branch of psychology that studies the ontogeny - the development of an individual as the whole of organismic, related only to the body, characteristics of a man.
In the theory of A. Meneghetti the term "Ontopsychology" has a fundamentally different meaning - the development of a personality in general, the psychology of being in a man. It is important to emphasize that the problem of individuality in ontopsychology is not sequestered, but is brought to the fore as the most important for the present and future of psychology.