International, Slavic Association of Ontopsychology and The United Nations Organization
In June, 1999, the International Association of Ontopsychology was granred the Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC).
This event was a result of a long bureaucratic process, during which all Association’s activity from its establishment as well as assessment of all future planned programs, was under non-stop control. The United Nations (UN) showed understanding and accepted ideas promoted by the International Association of Ontopsychology.
The United Nations Economic and Social Council considers that organizations (NGOs) with the special consultative status have a special competence and their own special experience enabling them to make a valuable contribution into addressing the social challenges. Activity carried out by the International Association of Ontopsychology was recognized so significant and important for human social development.
In addition to several other ecobiological projects in the world, active participation of the International Association of Ontopsychology represented by Meneghetti A., Slavic Association represented by Dmitrieva V. and the Brazilian Association represented by Argenta R. in the realization of Recanto Maestro project (Brazil) made a contribution to achieving 8 goals of the UN, proclaimed in the 2000 year at the Millennium Summit. In confirmation of it, Recanto Maestro project was named by the UN in 2007 an example of new model of effective combining environment with the economic and cultural development purposes.
The International Association of Ontopsychology in common with Slavic and Brazilian associations also carries out the activity, marked by UNESCO as strengthening the world due to cooperation among states and nations in education, science and culture, general respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms, proclaimed in the UN.
Since 1997, the International Association of Ontopsychology in common with Slavic and Brazilian associations has been playing an active role in the activities of special working groups and conferences, including UNESCO, among which are the following: